Monday, March 23, 2009

Rock and Worship Roadshow

For $10 each, K and I and her 2 friends went to see the Roadshow at the Coliseum. It was awesome. The pre-concert line to the ONLY AVAILABLE TOILET IN THE ENTIRE ROSE QUARTER was not. It honestly took about 50 minutes just to get inside the room (a single, by the way). A and I waited for the restroom while K and C waited in the entrance line (they endured rain and wind and cold while we were in an indoor line). Then we joined them and waited for another 30 minutes or so. That wait wasn't bad.

K managed to find us seats in the second non-floor row. We saw Addison Road (sweet) Tenth Avenue North (cute boy band) Hawk Nelson (okay) Jeremy Camp (smooth) and Mercy Me (classic).

During Hawk Nelson's set, I went to another restroom (3 minute wait, thank you so much) got concessions and bought 10th Ave N. merch. Yes, I used the word "merch". Don't roll your eyes at me.

After the concert I waited in line to get autographs from the Tenth Avenue North boys. Jason wasn't there (some ambiguous family excuse was given) but I still have an autographed CD for the first time in my life. Also, Mike told me they sold out of CDs. (Hehe, "Mike told me". It's like he's a friend of mine now. He was the nicest. He asked my name and told me his and shook my hand. Very cool. I've already washed my hands, don't give me that look!)

Bri, I thought of you. I want to be as cool around famous people as you are. I didn't make a *complete* fool of myself, but I have much to learn.

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