Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Break - Day 10

Day 10! Saturday! Oh sad, only one day left before I have to head back to school. This is sad.

So my parents finally got home around 1:30 last night. They were still stuck on Pacific time (two hours behind), so they were very confused. However I got presents! Yay! I got a really great blue t-shirt from Von Zipper and a cute yellow Billabong tank top. They also brought home random american food items that we don't have up here. Vanilla Coke, snack foods, cereals, etc. Cans of pork & beans even - they had issues getting that through customs, haha! Funny. They had a lot of stories and photos and souveniers they brought home as well.

I spent most of today at work, which was dead but very fun. Worked with good people, like always.

Due to my parents being stuck in another time zone still, we didn't eat supper until 9:00 tonight. Weird, I know. To make matters worse, daylight savings time takes effect tonight so we're going to lose an hour. That'll screw my parents up for sure, haha. Now they'll be off by 3 hours! I told them I'd be surprised if we got breakfast before 2pm tomorrow. We shall see.

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